Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Natasha's Story

On every trip there are great stories of how God moved and what he did. But we always have our favorites. There are some people that immediately grab a special place in our hearts and we always remember them. When I think back on Ryazan Russia 2010, I will always remember Natasha. God sent us to meet her Monday afternoon.

She is a 40 year old mother, battling cancer (upper left in the top picture). Her husband, like many men here, struggles with alcohol. At times when he's drunk he beats her, but like many Russian women Natasha patiently endures and won't leave him.

She is weak and thin from her illness and some days she doesn't leave the house. We got to sit with her Monday and share a bit with her and her friends. We prayed for her and her illness but we ran out of time! We didn't get to share the gospel with her and explain how she could be forgiven and have new hope in Jesus.

Angela, my teammate, and I both prayed for Natasha (as did many of you) and hoped we would get to visit her again. Wednesday we got that chance. She was feeling much better since we had visited and prayed with her Monday. She was strong enough to go to the market. We got to sit down with her and Angela shared the gospel with her. Natasha was so ready. She decided to receive God's free gift of forgiveness and make Jesus her Lord and Savior. It was great. We were able to spend more time with her and Angela helped teach her how to pray.

We invited her to our celebration service Thursday and she came. More than that, Natasha brought her friend Leana. Then we heard what happened Wednesday night. We left Natasha with some follow-up materials for her and her friends. That night Natasha shared what we had told her with her friend Leana, and Leana received Christ! Natasha was less than a day old in her walk with God and she already led someone else to the Lord! That's the way it should be. We were so excited to see them both Thursday before we left.

The picture below shows 3 generations of Christians. Angela shared Christ with Natasha who shared Christ with Leana! Awesome!

Meet Nikita

Wednesday night we hung out with the youth that stop by the church. We almost died playing soccer but afterwards we had some great conversations. After dinner Michael and I got into a great discussion with Nikita. We each thought he was part of one of the families in the church because we saw him all week. As we talked to him we realized he just came by even though his parents wouldn't like it if they knew.
He was hungry to know about God and eager to talk with us. Mike shared the gospel with him and we though he was ready to respond. He is sooo close! But not quite there. He really understood the gospel. He understands that his next step is to call out to God, ask him to forgive him, and receive him as Savior and Lord. But he's not quite ready. As we talked we learned that he is wrestling with what his parents and friends will think.
Pray for Nikita! His heart is so soft (which is rare). He desperately wants to turn to God but he is weighing the cost.

Enemy Territory

When we arrived Pastor Dima shared situation that has been burdening him.

This map shows the Ryazan region and its 25 districts. Currently there are 14 churches in 9 of the districts. 16 districts have no church at all. In total over 1.1 million people live here! There are 14 churches for 1.1 million people! This is enemy territory, a very dark region.

Everywhere we went we saw hopelessness and despair. As kids grow up they get to a certain point as teenagers when they realize they don't have much hope for the future and they get hardened.

Pastor Dima and his fellow pastors want to establish 16 more churches- one for every district in the Ryazan region. Pray that God would bring it about. And pray that God would expand their vision, not just to adding 16 more churches but to multiplying 100's and 100's more churches to really reach this area. It will take a new approach and a new kind of church, one that doesn't require buildings and paid pastors! Pray God would show the way.

Does Prayer Matter?

On Tuesday last week we travelled with Pastor Dima out into the countryside around Korablino where we visited Vladimir and Lucia on their little farm.

They have been believers for many years and we had a great time of fellowship with them (I tried caviar for the first time!). They called afterward and told us they were very encouraged by our visit. They wanted to share 1 Thessalonians 3:9-12 with us in response to our visit.

We found out that they have been praying for a church in Korablino long before Pastor Dima was there. In fact, God may have sent Dima there in response to their prayers!

Vladimir and Lucia have been praying for this region for so long, God may have SENT US there because of their prayers! I don't think there is much we can accomplish without prayer and when we get to eternity we'll find out just what a difference prayer makes.
On our way to Russia we weren't sure exactly where we would end up. The plan was to work with Pastor Dima in the Ryazan region but we had heard that parts of the region were closed off because of the fires.

Approaching Moscow we smelled the smoke as the airplane began to decend. In the airport the hallways were hazy from the smoke. But God is good. The city of Korablino was still open and we spent the week there at Dima's church. Here is the view from our apartment. Throughout the week the smoke began to clear so by the end we could see the stars and the sky again!

Pray for the people there. The record heat and long drought have made it a tough summer.

We're back! We had an amazing trip to Russia. God was at work in many lives. We worked all week with Pastor Dima and his church in Korablino, in the Ryazan region. This was the first campaign to this region. Throughout the week we had appointments with those who were interested. We shared the gospel, helped disciple the believers and trained the members of the church. This first trip laid the groundwork for future campaigns that will multiply churches throughout the region.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Daily Prayer Request - Sun., Aug 15

Rejoice over the new worshipers of God and ask God's protection over their new faith.

Daily Verse: Rom 12: 1-2


Saturday, August 14, 2010

Daily Prayer Request - Sat., Aug 14

Daily Activity: Traveling home. Pray for us to process all that God has done.

Daily Verse: Psalm 91


Should arrive at O'Hare around 6:30pm.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Daily Prayer Request - Fri., Aug 13

Daily Activity: Debrief on trip. Free day to explore Moscow. Glorify God for the work he did this week.

Daily Verse: Eph 3:20-21

PRAISE God today for all He did this week.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Adam's Preaching Opportunity

Got a short email from Adam today that said he was on his way to Moscow. However, he did send one photo from when he preached last Sunday. Enjoy!

Daily Prayer Request - Thurs., Aug 12

Daily Activity: Evangelism and discipleship meetings. Night train trip back to Moscow.

Daily Verse: 1 Tim. 2:8

Pray that team has a HEART for OTHERS.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Wednesday Update - Trip Nearing the End

Adam was able to call at 7am Central this morning and got a chance to talk to both Gretchen and Ingrid. While I was delighted they could speak with their daddy, it did throw off the carefully choreographed sequence of events I need to do to get the girls out the door and me to work on time!

Heard a really cool story from Adam this morning that should serve as such an encouragement for those of you who have been lifting this trip up in prayer.

On Monday Adam and his team met with a woman (Natasha #2 - not the same one that Adam asked for prayer about in my last post.) On Monday this woman prayed to receive Christ. The team asked her if she wanted them to notify her husband of her decision. She declined as she felt he wouldn't understand or care. Apparently they have been separated for the last few years since he was an alcoholic.

On Tuesday Adam and one of the other teams were comparing notes/stories from Monday. The other team had met with a man and prayed with him to receive Christ. As they started describing the story and particulars about this man, Adam's team realized that Natasha #2 was this man's wife!!!

How cool is that??? This missionary team prayed with an estranged couple in separate locations, on the exact same day to receive Christ!!!! God is up to something so very cool in Ryazan...your prayers are and will continue to be important to this couple. Hopefully God can work in both of their hearts to heal their relationship and allow them to experience the marriage He wants for them both.

An update on Natasha #1. There was another Natasha (we'll call her Natasha #3) that was a part of this group of women who tend to stick together. Adam's team met with her again on Wednesday - this time alone without the other group of women. She prayed to receive Christ and was able, for the first time in a long time, have the energy to walk to the market. She's been suffering from cancer and tends to have low energy. The burden of sin and situation was released when she gave her life to Christ and it physically impacted her in a big way.

There's so many great stories and I can't wait to hear them all when Adam returns. I don't think I'll hear from him via phone until he's back in the states. They leave for Moscow Thursday afternoon/evening. Friday is a "tourist day" for the team to relax a bit before the long travel day home on Saturday. He arrives in O'Hare on Saturday night. He continues to ask for your prayers for this people and for the team serving over in Ryazan.


Daily Prayer Request - Wed., Aug 11

Daily Activity: Evangelism and discipleship meetings.

Daily Verse: Romans 15:5-6

Pray for ENDURANCE and UNITY for team.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Daily Prayer Request - Tues., Aug 10

Daily activity: Evangelism and discipleship meetings.

Daily verse: Eph 6:10-20

Pray for PERSEVERANCE in spiritual warfare and PROTECTION for all team members.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Adam Called - Monday Update

Heard from Adam today via phone! Yeah! I was waiting patiently by the phone from 11 to 1 hoping he'd call. 2pm rolled around and no call - guess I wasn't going to hear from him after all. Much to my surprise my work phone rang around 3pm and Adam called! At midnight Russia time!

They had a great day of meetings that the local nationals (local church leaders) set up for the teams. Adam was matched with Angela from southern Indiana, Natasha (translator) and one of the nationals. One of their meetings was at an apartment with a group of ladies.

One of the saddest stats Adam heard today is that in this region of Russia about 60% of the men are alcoholics. He has seen this first hand. They see drunk men falling over in the streets at 9am in the morning! This level of alcoholics has led to many women being in violent domestic relationship and/or having to divorce, separate or flee these relationships and try to make a life on their own. This group of ladies all had alcoholic husbands and really rely on one another.

Adam asked for prayer for one of the ladies in particular. Ironically...her name is Natasha. (I guess there were four "Natashas" in that apartment during their meeting...go figure!) He has asked that we pray that God really works on her in the next two days to surrender to Christ. She seems so close to this point, but is having troubles doing so. Adam said a lot of the reservations has to do with the traditions that come with being in a very Russian Orthodox community and accepting Christ and taking a more evangelical point of view of Christianity is frowned upon. Many people fear being shunned by family and friends.

Adam said Natasha is viewed as "the leader" of this group of women and that she is likely the key for several of these women to give their lives to Christ. Please pray for the Holy Spirit to work mightily in her this week and that her witness will be powerful to this group of women to follow.

Adam said that they went swimming in a river tonight to cool off. It's been so hot in Russia. It was a good time and a chance for him and some of the guys to connect.

Apparently the food has been amazing. Their local hosts are feeding them very well...

Please pray for rain and cooling. There's concerns that if wildfires get close to Chernobyl it might stir up radioactive particles. See NYT article that mentions this. Many people are fleeing Moscow due to the heat and smoke issues. The team will be traveling to Moscow Thursday evening. Please pray for safe travels and health during this time.

I totally blanked on asking Adam how preaching went on Sunday. I'll try to ask when he calls hopefully later this week.

Keep praying! It's a dark region spiritually. Really need to bathe the Ryazan region and Russian people in prayer. There are some exciting things happening and God is absolutely at work!

Daily Prayer Request - Mon., Aug 9

Activity for the day: Evangelism and discipleship meetings.

Daily Verse: Eph 6:19

Pray for BOLDNESS in GOD-LESS Country

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Daily Prayer Request - Sun., Aug 8

Worship with local church leaders. In-country orientation and prayer.

Daily Verse - Eph 4:1-6

Pray for WORSHIP and OPEN DOORS for the week ahead

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Arrived Safely

Adam gave me (Tabitha) a call today to let me know he arrived safely. Since he doesn't have computer access he said to post a few updates for you here.
  • His entire Ryazan team arrived complete. There were two teams going to Russia - one group was going to Ryazan and one was going to Kursk On Thursday there were bad thunderstorms around Washington, D.C. and some of the incoming flights had to be diverted. Thus, some of the Kursk team members did not make it to DC for their connecting flight to Moscow. Keep praying for that team and that they all make it to Kursk safely in the next days.
  • The Ryazan team is staying in local Russia homes. Adam and four other men are staying in an apartment that one of the local church leaders has given up for the week.
  • Adam was asked to preach! He'll be preaching Sunday morning (with the help of a translator). Pray that God works through him to give a strong and compelling message about the importance of multiplying churches in Russia. The local Ryazan church is strong, but could use some help/assistance in understanding church planting and its effectiveness in reaching people with the gospel.
  • Some of the villages that the Ryazan team was suppose to minister to no longer exist apparently due to the wildfires that have consumed the region. Please pray for the Russian people in these areas as they have lost homes and whole communities.
  • The weather is incredibly hot there - very unseasonably warm. Please pray for cooling relief to the region. They desperately need it.
  • Since some of the villages have burned down, most of the Ryazan team will be focused on working with the local Russian church leaders (instead of doing door-to-door evangelism) to train them on developing strategic church growth plans and set groundwork for future church plants.
  • The leader of E3 Partners Russia just finished studies at Dallas Theological Seminary. His wife and children just moved back to Russia and he's spending time with this E3 team in lieu of getting his family settled fully. Please pray for a good week for his wife and children as they make sacrifices so that he can be fully present for the Ryazan E3 team.
That's most of the updates I got when Adam called. We hope to connect via phone Monday or Tuesday night again. Thanks for all your prayers and help while Adam has been away. It is incredibly appreciated!

Daily Prayer Request - Sat., Aug 7

Rest day. Meeting with local church leaders (nationals) and translators.

Daily Verse - Eph. 1:15-20

Pray for FOCUS and PASSION for the team.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Daily Prayer Request - Fri., Aug 6

Arrive in Moscow. Travel to Ryazan

Daily Verse - Isaiah 43:1-2

Pray for PROTECTION for the team.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Daily Prayer Request - Thurs., Aug 5

Team departs. Pray for travel safety, good connections, and no lost luggage.

Daily Verse: Psalm 27

Pray for SAFE TRAVEL for the team.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010 we go!

It's hard to believe the trip is finally here. It's T minus 5 1/2 hours until I need to wake up for my ride to the airport. And...I'm still packing (while Tabby types this as I dictate because our bed is covered with all my items I need to pack and she can't go to sleep yet.)

I fly from Chicago to DC, then DC to Moscow. Our flight for Moscow leaves the US around 5pm tomorrow (Thursday). I do have a couple things you could pray about for the team.

  • Please pray for smooth connecting flights for all team members. We are all arriving in DC from various cities.
  • Please pray for the situation in Ryazan where smoke from surrounding wildfires has already led to some evacuations from the city. We have been told to bring dust masks for our own use and to give to others. We may be ministering in Ryazan or we may get redirected to another city. God knows where He wants us and will lead us accordingly.
  • Please pray for Tabby, Gretchen and Ingrid as they stay behind and hold down the fort. Gretchen was anxious and worried about me leaving. Please pray that they have a great 10 days of bonding and "girl time." to bed. Note to self...start packing earlier next trip.